COVID-19 Current Wastewater Viral Activity Map

US Centers for Disease Control

This page shows CDC data on COVID-19 in wastewater with a five- to 12-day delay. For example, when the map is updated on April 14, it shows the data for the week ending April 9.

Scroll down to see a map showing the COVID-19 level in wastewater in each state.

Note: When a surge happens, virus levels in wastewater go up first - before case counts or hospitalizations.

A recent screen capture of the CDC's US data map showing each state's COVID level in wastewater over the past week.Map of US showing each state's COVID level in wastewater, captured from CDC website on July 22, 2024. Each state is color-coded, showing the level of SARS-CoV-2 virus found in samples during the most recent reporting period.


US Centers for Disease Control

The map on this page is based on how many people see their health care providers because they have a fever plus a cough and/or a sore throat. That group of symptoms is called "influenza-like illness," or ILI.

The colors on the map tell you how much influenza-like illness has been reported in each state with a one- to two-week delay. For example, when the map is updated on April 14, it shows the data for April 1 - 7.

Note: The levels shown on the map are based on symptoms only, not on test results.

Recent screen capture from the CDC FluView US data map showing influenza-like illness (ILI) activity by state.US map showing influenza-like illness (ILI) activity by state, captured from CDC FluView on July 22, 2024.

COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV Wastewater Monitoring in the U.S.

Biobot Analytics

Biobot Analytics is a company that tests wastewater from sewers across the country.

This page shows line graphs that track levels of COVID, flu, and other respiratory viruses in wastewater over time. Each graph shows results for the four regions of the US: The South, the Northeast, the Upper Midwest, and the West.

A recent screen capture of Biobotics Analytics' line graph showing COVID levels in wastewater in each of the four US regions over time.Respiratory virus levels for the previous week, as reported by Biobot. Captured on July 22, 2024.

Wastewater Testing Dashboard


Verily is a company that tests wastewater from sewers across the country.

On this page, they show line graphs that track the levels of different viruses in wastewater over time. Use the dropdown menu to select the virus you want to see. The four lines in each graph represent regions of the US.

A recent screen capture of Verily's line graphs showing COVID, Flu A, and Flu B levels in wastewater in each of the four US regions over time.  Verily dashboard pages showing levels of COVID, Flu A, and Flu B in the US over the past three months. Captured on July 22, 2024.

The WastewaterSCAN Dashboard


On this page, you can look at wastewater data for lots of different viruses, including COVID-19, flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and more.

The dashboard page of WastewaterSCAN, as downloaded on August 4, 2023. Shows a map of the US with wastewater sampling locations identified.The dashboard page of WastewaterSCAN shows a map of the US with wastewater sampling locations identified. Captured on July 22, 2024.

State and Local COVID-19 Wastewater Dashboards

The COVID-19 Data Dispatch

Roughly half of US states have their own dashboards that track COVID wastewater data. A few local and regional public health offices do, too.

Once you get to the site, scroll down a bit to find the list of links.

COVID-19 Data Dispatch logoThe COVID-19 Data Dispatch was a weekly newsletter by Betsy Ladyzhets, covering COVID data in the US.